Inspiration for my Common Frog Ornament
If you have read any of the other pages on my website, you will already know of my great love of frogs: My first jewellery sketch was of a frog and a lilypad; the first piece of jewellery I made was a (tree) frog; my logo is a frog, and so it goes on. Frogs now make up the largest group by far in my collection. And, just when I think I’ve modelled my last frog – another one hops in. This common frog ornament was modelled to accompany a growing collection of native British creatures (all modelled by me), each representing a particular memory in a long and happy marriage.
Thinking I should be good at frogs by now, I set off thinking it should be a doddle… I was wrong. It was undoudtedly the hardest one to model by far. When you study them properly, common frogs are both rounded and angular, smooth and bumpy, chunky and intricate. I wanted the frog to have a bit of movement in it – so I wanted one twisting slightly in one direction, instead of the perfectly symmetrical position they normally sit in. I found no such photos. They have such lightning fast movement that I ended up freeze-framing part of a video of a common frog to capture the position I wanted.
Will it be my last frog? Probably not 😉