Inspiration for my Emperor Moth Earrings
These earrings have a wingspan on 36mm (compared to the real thing that has a wingspan of 60mm). They were originally hand modelled in wax and then cast into sterling silver. Each earring is hallmarked for sterling silver.
These elegant earrings were handmodelled on the male Emperor Moth, a relatively common moth across the British Isles. The male is distinct from the female in that it has feathered antennae, whereas the female’s antennae are plain. In fact, this feature of the male moths woos me to modelling the male of the species each time that I need to do a moth. I find them very endearing.
In fact, I am not alone in finding these moths rather endearing: The original for these Emperor Moth Earrings was a pendant commissioned for a particular moth enthusiast; plus one of my best friends chose this moth as the main design for her wedding stationery. Moths may not be very popular when fluttering around your bedside light at night time – but they are the most beautiful of things – particularly when modelled in silver. I hope that you agree.
If you like to pair them with a necklace, the Sussex Emerald Moth makes a rather good match. Try it out!