Inspiration for the Gecko Earrings
Having added chameleons and green crested lizards to my collection very early on , I soon discovered that people are rather particular about their lizards – hence these gecko earrings! Holidays in hotter climes have developed, in many people, a sweet spot reserved for geckos and salamanders.
So it was not at all a surprise when I was asked to make a gecko pendant for an extra special Christmas present. I chose the moorish gecko due to it’s lovely bumpy skin and its endearing crocodile-like grin. In fact the moorish gecko is also called the crocodile gecko.
More recently I’ve ventured into making slightly larger earrings… and the little geckos are an obvious candidate. But you need a left and a right gecko for earrings to look right. Right? So after a quick decapitation and remodelling, my matching gecko earrings were born. And they look quite cute together, don’t they? Of course, you can always just buy one and mix it with one of the other little beast earrings, like the woodlice. It’s up to you!
If you’re rather goofy about geckos (I’ve met lots that are!), they pair rather well with my gecko ring.
What my customers say:
These are new to my website and so are still awaiting their first review. Will that be you?