Inspiration for my Nursehound Shark Earrings:
These mini Shark Earrings are modelled on the Nursehound Catshark (also known as the large-spotted dogfish, greater spotted dogfish or bull huss) and are available as drop or stud earrings.They were originally modelled to sit inside my Mermaid’s Purse Pendant – as I couldn’t imagine this pendant working without the magic of the baby shark inside it.
I don’t know whether it is the name or the fabulous form – but a Mermaid’s Purse Pendant was one of my earliest designs in my jewellery design sketchbook. I love the simplicity of the wonderfully smooth case, complemented by the mass of curly tendrils coming off all corners. And more than anything, I love the fact that it is a real egg, with a real baby shark encased within. In fact, if you google mermaid’s purse, you can find some very cool photos where you can see the shark still within the egg.
Surprisingly, it was also one of the last sketches from my book to make it into a finished piece. For me it had to be perfect – and that necessitated a wait until I felt I had the skills to do it justice. Finally in 2021 I decided to make a range of sea creature jewellery and the mermaid’s purse had to be the centrepiece of the collection. So I finally pushed myself to complete the pendant and, happily a whole school of sharks accompanied it. These are the earring versions and they also exist as mini pendants, lapel pins, cufflinks (to order), charms…
For more information about Nursehound Catsharks visit the Wildlife Trust here or Planet Shark Divers here.