Inspiration for my Pumpkin Patch Tarantula Ornament
Once I’d modelled a tarantula necklace, a tarantula ornament was always going to appear in my collection.
Spiders have always scared me. However, I remember a nature programme where an international spider expert was asked how he had become interested in spiders. He then admitted that, in his desire to quell his own arachaphobia, he learnt as much as possible about these amazing creatures – and became completely hooked. So despite my fear, spiders utterly fascinate me – and obviously others too.
This model began from a customer suggestion to make a tarantula ring. However, I somewhat over-egged what size I could get away with for a ring (oops!), therefore my tarantula ring became a tarantula necklace, and then this tarantula ornament. I am not disappointed with my mistake… he has become a bit of a talking point!
The Pumpkin Patch Tarantula, as well having a wonderfully endearing name, is amongst the smallest tarantulas. In addition, its lovely sectioned body, striking markings and being not too hairy make it a good subject to do in silver.
Learn more about the Pumpkin Patch Tarantula here