Inspiration for my Woodlouse Earrings
These Woodlouse Earrings were modelled for the daughter of a very good customer of mine, who felt it was just as important to have the curled woodlouse as well as the walking one. I agree completely. She had a particular fondness for the Pill Woodlouse … or Roly-Poly… or Doodlebug as they are also known. Apparently her love of woodlice is more common than you would have thought, going by the initial reaction to my woodlouse earrings. Having just modelled my slugs and snails, a woodlouse was a natural addition to my range. In fact, ever since I modelled the Yellow-Tailed Scorpion, and learnt that their main foodsource was woodlice, I have always wanted to model one.
They are sold as a mismatched pair of stud earrings: one walking woodlouse and one curled into a ball. They have the option of adding a dropper on the back of each stud so that each ear has both an open and a closed woodlouse – one on the lobe and one hanging just below it.
The woodlice are also available as a mini pendant, lapel pin or ornaments
Learn more about the Woodlouse here: The Wildlife Trust
Click here for Garden Slug Earrings or Garden Snail Earrings